Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sketch Sunday 2

I finally got my scanner, so no photo substitutes this week. :)

We visited my parents' house over the weekend and they have this wood burner in the living room. (It's so efficient that they don't need gas heating during winter.) The above is a 10-minute sketch using ink and no pencil.

Completely unsatisfied with the first sketch, I then did a 20-minute sketch of the same thing using the same parameters and a different pen. I think it came out better mostly because I was better acquainted with the details from the first pass.

Another ink sketch using a new fountain pen (no pencils). Thin, curly hair is fun but difficult to draw.

"Yours" as in "Hi, I'm Yours." Drawn using Lascaux Sketch at Again, the curls were fun but difficult to get to look right.

The pen is my favorite medium for sketching, but I know there are many aspects of drawing that I still need practice with. In an effort to improve my weaker areas (like coloring), I will try to identify these areas and explore them in upcoming Sunday Sketches.


C.Ellis said...

Ohh, its really neat to see more of your drawings and sketchies. ^__^;; I hope to see lots more, soon. :)

I have a wood burning stove at my house, too. It IS really nice, and energy efficient (as I don't have to use the clunky old gas heater here). Though, its a big pain to go out and cut wood.....

In any case, YAAAY arts. :D

spyra said...

Yay, thanks for following! :D I'm trying to post more each week, and definitely on Sundays for Inspirimint's Sketch Sundays. ^_^

Last year, one of our neighbors cut down like, an entire acre of black walnut and my parents just went up to the contractors and asked if they could leave some wood with us. It's a win-win, since we get *really nice* cut firewood and they didn't have to pay to have it towed away. Where do you guys get the wood?